Sunday, October 17, 2010

The RINO In The Room ...

Conservatives & Libertarians are again being called upon to vote for a Republican, merely because they aren't Linc Chafee or Frank Caprio .... For too many years, in a manner bearing striking similarities to the treatment of African American Democrats, Conservatives & Libertarians have been asked to check their principles at the door, because, well, its better than the alternative. I believe differently ... Embracing another MeToo Bush Republican is nothing more than a continued prop to the status quo. That propping up a thoroughly corrupted, financially, economically & morally bankrupt Rhode Island represents progress against an enemy ingrained in RIThink is somehow ennobling
It is time to let Rhode Island Go ...
The efforts of a well meaning few, (If Black is the new White, is the Tea Party the new Operation Clean Government? Anyone for a march down Route 95?) to provide continued economic support to a moocher\looter constituency that lives off their efforts, in fact relies upon them to provide a host organism, does nothing but delay the inevitable ... a complete economic\social collapse.
Slavery to a failed system ... in this case the Rhode Island Economy\"Way of Life" ... is nothing more than a delusional belief that a few individuals can continue to simultaneously support, and at the same time reform a society so selfish, so narcissistic that one is reminded of a woman's love for an abusive boyfriend.
In a manner not unlike a whore's ... your desire to save them is neither understood, or desired. Trust me, they are not grateful.
How else to explain the leftward swing in last months primary elections? The complete denial over the pension abyss that lies before us? An ignorance of even the most fundamental economic principles?
A Governor who insists that Rhode Island shows a surplus, despite a multi-billion dollar unfunded pension liability?
The display of political might of a Union Culture that will inevitably bankrupt us?
The Greed of a Corporate Culture that will use the last of our discretionary funds to bankroll a risky high tech gaming venture ... a move that brings to mind the vision of a late night, desperate gambler, playing his last few chips on Red?
It is time to let Rhode Island Go ...
Liberals, Unions, the Welfare Industrial Complex, when quizzed about the source of their funding, inevitably point to the existence a vague Wealthy Class, from whom an unimaginable fount of riches emanates. When they are forced (usually under some form of psychological duress) to admit that there may be some limitations to this wealth, they invariably stumble away, muttering that the wealth will simply BE there ... This blind faith that you, the producer, will always be there to support them needs to be shaken badly ...
It is time to let Rhode Island Go ...
For those of you with options, invest elsewhere ...starve them of the capital they need ... your tax dollars are their wealth ... Among the few private sector employees remaining? Recognize the coming storm and act accordingly ... Companies unfortunate enough to own/rent property in Providence have begun to see the "New, Progressive" Tax Structure already ... Own a business here? Take what little time is left to diversify ... seek new revenue streams elsewhere ... Pay those taxes due, when due ... As seen in the aftermath of the floods, Rhode Island's cash flow is so poor that even a delay of a few weeks threw the bureaucracy into a near death spiral.

Simply put, the Producers who cling to the notion that Rhode Island can somehow be saved merely continue to enable the behavior of the looters\moochers who cannot grasp the notion that wealth needs to be created, not distributed ... that the success of the few can improve the lives of many ... that productivity & innovation are to be cherished, not derided ... and as a Society, we cannot continue to blindly trust that the actions of a few will continue to support the many, who choose to sit on life's sidelines, waiting for their handout

PO Taxpayer

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